Saturday, August 31, 2019

Emancipation of slavery Essay

The writer reflects the emancipation of slavery and how it influenced the American women. For many Americans (the slave owners), it was not possible to think that what will happen if they no longer owe slaves. It was natural for people who were used to the cheap and easy labour found themselves in the middle of nowhere. The demise of slavery gave rise to a new kind of slavery where woman could sell their body. For writer this idea of selling women seems new, but in many tribal societies around the world, women are still sold and bought. The idea of selling body was loathsome in society that was still Victorian in thinking. The moralist advocated ban on streetwalkers and prostitution; while state sought to legalize the body trade, it was this tussle that continued for decades. For many the idea of selling body was a reminiscent of slavery; but even the law itself was dubious about the prostitution. According to the idealist the prostitution stood as a† social system in which all was for sale†. It was this thinking that made prostitution or women at the edge a social issue. For Southerners slavery and marriage was one and the same thing; while for Northerner slavery and prostitution were one and the same thing. The Southerners were used to slavery and bondage, prostitution for them seemed a kind of outlet where they could vent out their frustration along with economic benefits. For Northerners marriage was a sacred idea hijacked by streetwalkers to lure loyal husbands and sons. The Southerners argued that by recruiting black women as slave prostitutes they are limiting the white prostitution again shows double standard. The Northerners argued that prostitution continued because the lusty men of South wanted it. For abolitionists it was unthinkable to mix market economy and family values together in one place. Ironically both of them used prostitution as deformation, but the reality was far different. The author failed to address the core issue of the North and South. The basic reason of differences between the North and South has been economics. In broader sense the North was rapidly modernizing and South felt threatened by it. Being more viable economically means more powerful, the South was still stuck up to agrarian economy. It was under these circumstances in the South slaves were more important compared to North. Being less modern and less developed the slave prostitutes were a source of income for Jones in the South and they could not give it away easily. For North it became ideological because they were already reaping the benefits of industrlized economy. Even in the modern world, prostitution is done by the poorest of the poor in the society. In present day American society, despite all freedom no one considers prostitution a respectable and honourable way of life. In simple words, the women who practice this profession are doing it out of economic necessity. In modern day America, government is willing to accept the porn industry legally regardless of how women are exploited for sake of huge tax that reaches US$50 billion per year. Thus we can say it’s the market economics that is still ruling American society. Reference Stanely, Amy Dru. â€Å"From Bondage to Contract. â€Å"

Friday, August 30, 2019

How to Overcome a Fear

It is natural for everyone, even the most courageous people, to have fears, which are the body’s bad emotional reactions to something frightened. However, when fears limit people’s everyday routine and keep them from living their life normally, it is time to take control, which is not an easy work. Most people want to overcome their fears, but are not sure how. Here are 4 steps which will be helpful to overcome fears. The first step is analyzing the fear. The more clearly you understand your fear, the easier for you to find how to handle it.Therefore, in this very first stage, you need to identify your fear: its name, its cause and its effect; and determine whether there is a good reason for the existence of the fear because some fears can be healthy emotions that protect you from danger. After that, you also should think about what exactly you want to change. It means that beside the big goal: overcoming the fear, smaller ones is necessary to be set to help you get the re. For example, if your fear is heights, you may want to be able to go on a hiking trip with the outdoor club at school.One more important thing is that all this fear analysis should be written down as a journal. It will be a good way to track your progress of conquering your fear and also a guide for the next time when you have another problem. After the fear is analyzed, in this second step, it will have to be taken control of. It depends on what your fear is. If you are afraid of something because it is a mystery, try exposing yourself to it in small doses until you gain a better understanding and your fear begins to dissipate.Or, if you are frightened by a particular thing, confronting head-on will be the best way to overcome it. No matter which situation you are in, taking control of a fear is not easy. It will take many times before you can declare it conquered. During that long period, to give up is simple and to keep trying is difficult. When you face with setbacks, it can be tempting to give up. Hence, stay determined to persevere even when it seems impossible to get past your fear by keeping these pointers in mind: do not confuse fear with fate and do not let other people hold you back.Changing the way of thinking about fear is the next step. It has to be admitted that sometimes fear also incite feelings of exhilaration and even passion. That is why people enjoy extreme sports, horror movies or other risky games. Try to reframe your fear in a positive light and acknowledge the thrill it can offer and you will not find it frightened anymore. Moreover, fear can be used as a tool to help us identify problems and solve them effectively. It is a guidepost warning us when something needs attention.Once the discomfort of the initial wave of fear passes, examine it more closely to see what you can learn. When you start seeing fear as a source of energy or an opportunity for promotion, you might even embrace its role in your life. Finally, give the fear a pl ace in the life because there is no way to eliminate it totally. Like joy or sadness, fear is a valid emotion. It builds your character and teaches you how to act with courage. Also, do not wait until the fear has been completely overcome to give yourself a pat on the back for your effort.Celebrate each milestone and when you see how good it feels to gain an edge on the fear, you will be ready to face the next one head-on. In conclusion, there are four major steps to help people overcome a fear: analyze the fear, take control of it, change the way of thinking about it and give it a place in the life. All of these steps are not simple and often take much of time and effort to be successful. However, nothing is impossible if you really want and try your best to gain it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Continuous Expansion of its Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Continuous Expansion of its Economy - Assignment Example If Hip-hop sells CDs at 11, Gerries sells it at 10 and the latter gets 1800 monthly sales. If Hip-hop sells at 10, still Gerries gets 1800. A low price of 10 is the dominant strategy because Gerries gets it no matter how much the price Hip-hop sells the CDs. The retailers have the option to sell the CDs at 10 or 11, and they can have a pre-commitment to meet the competition. If both sell at 10, they get 2000 each monthly sales, and if they sell at 11, they get 1800 each monthly sales. This is the dominant price. They can collude successfully, meaning they agree to sell this at this price. But each has the option to manipulate or to retaliate. Gerries can outsmart Hip-hop or Hip-hop can outsmart Gerries, making the 360 - 1600 sales for the 10 - 11 sell-off. They both have the ability to retaliate because the difference is only 1. And what is 1 But what is 1 if you multiply it with the number of CDs sold in a month The figure is enticing to the mind of a retailer/businessman because it would seem big: 1 x nos. of CDs in a month would seem big. But if we follow our matrix, the picture is clear that if one sells at 11 and the other 10, the one who sells high will only get 360 and the other 1600. Two fast food restaurant chains, BurgerBinge and McGinnis, are considering outlets within the same small shopping mall. If they both begin operations they will each lose 100,000 pa. If only one sets up it will earn 250,000 pa. profits. Draw up the pay off matrix. Use the matrix to define and explain the notion of "first mover advantage". In the first-mover advantage, a game is in equilibrium when neither player has an incentive to alter their choice. This means that both players have decided to set up their outlets. If they withdraw or do not set up, the game is not in equilibrium. In the matrix, if BurgerBinge sets up the outlet alone, he gets 250,000 profits pa, but if McGinnis sets up too, they will both lose 100,000 each. When both do not set up, they won't have profits, and the game is not in equilibrium. Â  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Consumers' surplus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consumers' surplus - Essay Example The first major insight that students obtain from the study of microeconomics is the theory of demand and supply. Nevertheless, the demand is the willingness and ability of individuals of consumers to acquire certain goods and services. Therefore, when prices increase (assuming determinants of demand constant) the quantity demanded decreases and vice versa, thereby resulting in a downward sloping demand curve due to negative price – quantity relationship. In contrast, the supply refers to willingness and ability of sellers to produce and sell certain goods and services. Hence, when prices increase (assuming determinants of supply constant) the quantity supplied also increases because of increase in profit margin of producers and vice versa. In simple words, the supply curve slopes upward due to positive price – quantity relationship. In this paper, I would elucidate on Consumer Surplus – a theory contributed by Alfred Marshall in 1920s (and derived by using the d ownward sloping demand curve) that initially received various serious criticism by then economists and academicians. Dooley (1983, p. 26) has summarized the following major criticisms raised at that time - â€Å"First, whether an additive utility function adequately explains consumer behavior; second, whether the marginal utility of money can be treated as a constant; third, whether the quantity demanded of one commodity can be treated as a function of its price alone; and fourth, whether it is possible make interpersonal comparisons†. The researcher will first explain what Consumer Surplus theory is after which an analysis will be presented on the credibility of this theory. The researcher will conclude this paper by providing a personal opinion and will finally provide 2 recommendations to the economists and pundits. 2. Analysis / Body Consumer Surplus is a concept studied in microeconomics and it refers to the estimation of consumer utility. In simple words, consumer surpl us is the surplus portion calculated by subtracting the maximum price consumer wants to pay for acquiring a good or service with the equilibrium market price. This could also be defined as the difference between the actual paid market price and the highest price at which demand of a product exists. As illustrated in Figure 1, the equilibrium quantity and price are P1 and Q1 respectively; however, the demand of a product also exists at higher prices. Therefore, the blue portion represents consumer surplus. Figure 1 In order to fully comprehend the theory of Consumer Surplus, I would like to present an example of demand of DVDs (video games) relative to their price. In this case, let us consider that a  consumer enters in a Computer shop to buy video games. The consumer buys 10 DVDs of $50 in total but he is inclined to pay $95 for one DVD so the consumer’s surplus for 1 unit will be $45, for 2 units will be $40, for 4 units will be $30, for 6 units will be $20, for 8 units w ill be $10 and for 9th unit will be $5 only. The figure 2 illustrates the consumer surplus in green, which is below the market demand curve and above the equilibrium market price. Figure 2 Samuelson & Nordhaus (2005, p. 96) highlights the following: â€Å"Consumer Surplus is the gap between the total utility of a good and its total market value†

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review of a Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review of a Paper - Essay Example By the end of a 30 minutes presentation people already have lasting judgments about your character. The error in judgment made by the people listening to ideas often does not allow them to properly gauge a project. The author of the article did an extensive research of this topic in the television industry. He later applied what he witness in Hollywood to other industries and the results were the same. Potential investors are very interested in ensuring that the person pitching an idea has creativity. â€Å"People on the receiving end of pitches have no formal, verifiable, or objectives measures for assessing that elusive trait, creativity† (Elsback, 2003). According to the author of the article successful pitchers fall into three prototypes: showrunners, artists, and neophyte. Showrunners combine creative inspiration with production know how. Artist prefer the world of creative ideas to reality, while neophyte tend to be or act as if they are inexperience and naive in order to exploit that to their advantage. In general people believe that creative people have certain traits such as intuitiveness, sensitivity, passion, and youth. In general the article provided an interesting insight into what occurs in the decision making process to approve ideas or products in the marketplace. I generally believe that the author made some good arguments about what occurs when people pitch ideas to decision makers. Despite the fact that the author made good arguments he did not completely convince me of his theory. I believe that when a person is listening to an idea the idea itself supersedes whatever opinion that the listener had about the personality of the pitcher. My opinion goes against everything that the author wrote in his article. The author did not show any clear proof that his theory is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Re-designing Services Offered by NHS UK Assignment

Re-designing Services Offered by NHS UK - Assignment Example The authorities have to establish better performance evaluation systems and ensure that their facilities are delivering world class services like their neighboring countries. Established on 5th July 1948, NHS is now one of the largest public health care service in the world (Hawe, 2008). The UK authorities established the NHS to provide the residents with equal access to treatment. NHS aims to provide clinical help to patients regardless of their ability to pay for the medical expenses. The organization is funded through national taxation and this ensures that NHS is able to provide care to people who are not able to afford it with personal means (Dept. of Health Staff, 2004). This report will now conduct a SWOT analysis of NHS UK. This analysis is expected to present more clearly the current situation of this organization, show its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The government has increased the investment in NHS UK. While the organization only had 33 billion in 1996/1997 to spend, it now has around 67.4 billion in funds for its needs. NHS has also seen an increase in spending on buildings and equipment and now has 3.4 billion for investment in the infrastructure. This surplus has allowed the organization to have more modern equipment and facilities and take better care of its patients. NHS has also decided to have more staff on board and thus it has begun to steadily increase the number of doctors, nurses and attendants (Dept. of Health Staff, 2004). These figures indicate that the organization has the attention of the authorities, and the government is trying to pull it up by putting more money for its sustenance and future growth. The funds available to NHS have increased considerable over the last decade, and the authorities now have the money to improve their infrastructure. By purchasing modern equipment, NHS can dramatically improve its quality of services and gain appreciation from the patients in the UK. In addition, NHS has more staff at its disposal and thus they have more hands to provide services to their community. Weaknesses Even though the authorities are making several efforts to improve the quality and accessibility of NHS, the organization is often accused of low standard in health care. A report indicates that in comparison to other European countries, the patients' survival rates were very low in NHS. This reason for this low rate was due to poor organization of services. NHS has very long outpatient and elective surgery waiting times and need to have more focus on areas such as cancer and heart disease (Scambler, 2003). Apparently NHS is not improving despite the amount of money it is receiving from the government. The residents of UK are not happy with the quality of services and are still complaining about the low standard in health care. The patients are comparing the services available to them with those of health care services provided to residents in other European countries. NHS needs better organization of services where the patients don't have to wait for a very long time for surgeries. Also, NHS has to ensure that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Comparative Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Comparative Religion - Essay Example There have been in the religious discourse, plenty of theories and theoretical paradigms pertaining to the need, purpose and the importance of religion in the lives of the people who follow them. Some of these theories are worth noting. For instance, James Frazer (pp. 232-246), an anthropologist of evolutionary school of thought, places religion in a nonlinear hierarchical evolutionary ladder in which, the first step is magic followed by religion and subsequently by science. He argues that the earlier people were not aware of the ‘real’ reasons behind the natural processes and so, came up with explanations that now sound fantastical and unlikely. These explanations form the realm of magic and soothe the human anxiety when the mind could not find any other explanation. However, man soon realized that magic could not work in all situations and there has to be a definite propitiation of the higher power in the way things pan out in the universe and thus religion was born. A ccording to Frazer (pp. 256-278), it came out of a need to reconcile the ideal with the real i.e. the happenings of the real world were not explained completely by the human intervention alone and thus the need for a divine explanation was born. A related theory of Sigmund Freud, the famous psychologist, presents religion as a response to the need of putting the responsibility of one’s action off to a higher invisible power, usually male which represents the innate need of man to be able to depend on a strong male figure. Although highly infamous and usually discredited, this theory does lay sufficient groundwork in answering the question of why people need religion in their lives and why, more importantly, it provides them the comfort that it is reported to provide. However, the most intriguing and interesting feature of the religious discourse is its diversity. The religions across the world are diverse in all respects. Some base their belief system on the existence of one God, while others believe in a series of gods and goddesses; still others seem to reject the idea of God altogether. These religions are monotheism, polytheism and atheism respectively (n.d., 56). This is the most primary way of classifying religion. There are other ways too. Some religions stem from myths whereas others from revealed books. Some religions revolve around a charismatic leader or an inspirational figure, whose guidelines form the foundation of the ethical conduct of the religion. The comparative analysis of the religions is one of the most popular streams in religious discourses in present-day academia. Scholars take great interest in juxtaposing religions to each other, comparing different common units to each other. The scope of this paper limits itself to such a comparison between two world religions namely, Islam and Hinduism. The paper tries to compare and contrast Islam and Hinduism in several respects and approach some platform of commonalities and differences between the two. Comparison of Religious History The Islam and Hinduism have diverse religious histories. Whereas Islam has a unified, straightforward origin, Hinduism’s history through time is still very much in debate. Islam, as a religion, started in 600 A.D (Lantiqua, 98). Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger of God, according to Quran, the Holy Book of Islam, initiated the religion when he received the first revelation from God via his angel, Gabriel. Islam spread as a movement and approached the doors of Meccans, other Arabs and emperors of neighboring countries by the followers and close friends

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Social Systems Change as Possible Solution to Information Overload in Essay

Social Systems Change as Possible Solution to Information Overload in Organizations - Essay Example On a daily basis, the generated information can take an average person weeks or even months to ingest through reading, listening, or viewing (Becker, 2008). Information overload is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges that the modern society has to grapple with especially with the rapid advancement of technology. The information overload does affect people not only at the individual level, but the impact has also penetrated into the corporate world where it is the current major enemy to the efficient production within many organizations. A lot of organizations claim that due to information overload, they have experienced decreased productivity and the general reduction in efficiency of many employees. Indeed, technology is the main cause of information overload as in the ancient days when technology was still low, the rate of information overload was relatively low as compared to modern times. This is because technology advancements generate more information to people, which ma y affect them negatively if not well managed (Becker, 2008). With many organizations suffering from the impact of information overload on their highly esteemed employees, a number of them have taken measures in order to deal with the menace in a rational and logical manner. It is only through organizations implementing radical changes in their social systems that they will be able to find both short-term and long-term solutions to the negative impacts of information overload. ... Therefore, organizations ought to implement changes in their social systems if they are to mitigate the effects of information overload (Strother, Ulijn, & Fazal, 2012). The Merits of Social Systems Change in Solving Information Overload Although the benefits that come with technological advancements are good to any organization or nation, the information overload that comes with technology is detrimental to both the personal and organizational growth. The negative impacts of information overload include reduced overall performance, fatigue, incompetence, laziness, forgetfulness, and the inability to make sound decisions especially during critical situations. This problem has gradually developed over time and is now the epidemic that troubles many corporates. Recognizing the fact that human beings are not the objects of information overload by rather the subjects, organizations should make overhauls that affect the operations of their employees. This is so, because no one can reverse technological advancements, but one can mold a human character to fit in given situations and circumstance in order to negate the effects of information overload (Strother, Ulijn, & Fazal, 2012). One of the major reasons why organizations should go for the social systems change in curbing information overload is that the impact of information overload is more or less social in nature. Some of the adverse effects of information overload include poor performance at work, increased health risks of the individuals, and breakdown or reduced vigor in social relationships. As seen, these effect rest directly upon the subjects of information overload as the object that include technology does not have a direct part to play, but it

Comparitve study of inter-personal relationship as potrayed in madame Essay

Comparitve study of inter-personal relationship as potrayed in madame bovary and siddhartha - Essay Example Due to her blind faith in the materialistic and fabricated relationships she overlooks the real love of Charles Bovary and gets deceived. For instance, she does not recognize the wrong intentions of Rodolphe, who used her to satisfy his sexual desires, and assumed that he loves her. Dr. Charles Bovary’s observation of reality is also impractical. He thinks that living means just to survive. As a result, he is deficient in interest, enthusiasm, strength and joy. He is so insensitive to his surroundings that he remains unaware of the obvious mistakes and relationships of Emma, Homais, Lheureux, and other characters. However, regardless of his unresponsive nature he possesses qualities like sincerity, faithfulness and honesty. On the other hand the character of Siddhartha is not in love with the materialistic world like Emma. He is instead in the search of spiritual love and considers finding this love his destiny. The character as portrayed by the author reaches limits to find t hat love in the story as he leaves behind many things in finding it. This essay would revolve around the two major characters in these novels (i.e. Siddhartha and Emma) and would analyze the relationships both have in the story in accordance to their nature. The relationships that they have with other characters would also be analyzed. It would also tell how both of them are different and similar to each other in their actions. Siddhartha is the novel whose major idea is that pleasure comes from spiritual peace. In the novel, the central character tries to find peace, which is at last attained after going through a number of different phases of life. The first phase is that of his childhood which he spent as an orthodox Brahmins child. In this period, he studies the scriptures and performs ritual sacrifice. In the second stage he follows Samanas and learns about thriftiness and self-discipline. The third stage lets him learn the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Relevance of Standard Costing & Variance Analysis Essay

Relevance of Standard Costing & Variance Analysis - Essay Example The standard cost is a predetermined unit cost i.e. the price and standard amount of each resource to be utilized in manufacturing a product and providing a service. A variance is the difference of actual cost incurred and expected standard cost. The variance analysis involves breakup of total variance to explain how much variance is caused by difference in use of resources from the standard usage quantity and how much variance is caused by the difference in prices of resources from the standard costs (Scarlett, 2008, p.96). The standard costing can be advantageous only if the cost standards are carefully established and prudently used. The use of standards solely for placing blame can have negative impact on management and employees. The major advantages include better management planning, promotes economy by making the employees understand importance of cost reduction, setting selling price, management control, highlights variances in management by exception and simplify the invent ories’ costs reducing clerical costs (Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso, 2009, p.495). Standard costing system was developed in accordance with the traditional manufacturing environment which has changed drastically in recent competitive environment. The critics of standard costing and variance analysis site the following reasons for its declining relevance: Changing Cost Structure: Provided that the standard costing is suited to the control of variable and direct costs but not fixed and indirect costs, the usefulness of standard costing has been questioned because the in recent times the overhead costs have become the relevant factory costs whereas the importance of direct labour costs has diminished. Inconsistency with JIT (Just-in-Time) Philosophy: JIT is an inventory system which works towards keeping zero inventories and reducing handling, warehousing and financing costs and time associated with tracking stocks and movements (Ajami & Goddard, 2006, p.357). This system has been wi dely adopted by American and European firms in the last decade. Although critics of standard costing and variance analysis assert that if performance of purchasing department is evaluated on the basis of purchase price variance then the purchase managers will be motivated to obtain materials at the lowest possible costs which can result in selection of many suppliers on the basis of lowest price, large quantity purchases resulting in larger inventories, low quality goods and indifference towards attainment of on-time delivery. This contradicts the JIT philosophy. Overemphasis on the importance of Direct Labour: The fact that direct labour has lost its importance in modern manufacturing and is a small proportion of the total factory costs, makes the standard costing irrelevant because most of the overhead costs are allocated to the cost centres on the basis of direct labour hours. To reduce their allocated costs the managers try to reduce the direct labour hours which diverts the att ention from controlling the rising overhead costs. This is not an inadequacy of standard costing rather a faulty application of it to rely on volume variances to control short term costs and performance evaluation. Inconsistent with Continuous Improvement Philosophy: The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem Essay Example for Free

Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem Essay This book summarizes the life of a female Indian servant and her involvement in the 1692 witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. To begin it gives background information of the Arawak Indian woman named Tituba, which reveals cultural influences. It tells how Tituba was captured and sold into slavery and shifted from one cultural world to another, from South America to Barbados then to Massachusetts, where she was forced to separate from friends and her culture to acclimate and thrive in another; as a servant she had no say in the matter. Her obligations as a servant were to fulfill domestic responsibilities within the household. In 1689 she found herself living in Salem, Massachusetts in the home of Samuel Parris, his wife Elizabeth, their 3 children Thomas (7), Elizabeth (6) who was later referred to as Betty, and Susannah (1), a young African servant, as well as a male Indian servant named John who would soon become her husband. In 1691, Parris’s niece Abigail Williams may have been living with them. According to Parris’s will, Tituba and John had a daughter named Violet who would have been about two or three years old during the witch trials in 1692. After the Parris’s move to Salem around 1688, Samuel began preaching in the village and would eventually become the town’s minister by 1689. By the winter of 1691, a group of young girls from the village, Elizabeth Hubbard (17), and Ann Putnam (12), joined by Parris’s daughter Betty (9), and his niece Abigail (11), would begin playing fortune-telling games drawn from centuries old cultural traditions. Subsequently, Betty would start experiencing strange physical symptoms of pain that confounded spectators and led them to believe that someone had bewitched her. A neighbor to the Parris’s, as well as a covenant member of the church Mary Sibley, would approach Tituba and her husband John with a notion of revealing who was bewitching the girl by preparing a witchcake consisting of rye meal and the girls urine which was then baked into ashes and then fed to a dog. According to folklore, the dog would then reveal the name of those responsible for bewitching the girl. In February of 1692, after two months of observing the girl in retched pain, Tituba agreed to assist in preparing the witchcake. The result was much unexpected as it was revealed that preparation of the witchcake had taken place. The other girls, already frightened by the previous symptoms displayed by Betty and their involvement in the occult games, would become even more frightened with the knowledge of the counter-magic. They too would start to experience such symptoms that would become even more violent than those presented before to include hallucinations; the witchcake did not relieve but instead intensified their hysteria as well as the town’s fears and fantasies of evil among them. The girls would soon confirm the town’s suspicions of evil implications by identifying two women, Sarah Goode (38), and Sarah Osborne (49), who they believed were witches tormenting them, those women also accused Tituba (between 25-30 years old). Warrants of arrest were prepared for the three women on February 29 and Tituba’s testimonies would proceed from March 1-5, resulting in the commencement of the greatest-known witch hunt of all time. Throughout Tituba’s testimonies she fed her audience with tales of witchery and devilish manifestations that would fuel their suspicions and lead to many more accusations, arrests, and executions. It is thought that because her testimonies were derived of many different cultural traditions that were carefully pieced together in a way that Tituba believed would sound convincing enough to the magistrates for them to believe she was under the devils force to harm the children. Tituba, the afflicted girls, as well as those accused would make accusations of others they said were involved in witchcraft and were in a covenant with the devil. She spoke of secret meetings and a book in which she was forced by the Devil to sign, threatened with a terrible demise had she not signed. The afflicted girls and others accused fed off her testimonies and followed her cues in hopes that such a confession may spare their lives. Over the course of seven months one-hundred and fifty people would be arrested and twenty-four would die due to accusations of witchcraft, traumatizing the lives of hundreds in the New England society. For fear of damnation, Tituba along with many others recanted their confessions, acknowledging that they had falsely accused others and fictitiously created the witch stories to safeguard their lives. By September 1693, the use of spectral evidence ceased and the Governor dismissed further executions other than those already scheduled, and ordered the release of those who could post bail to get out of jail. In April of 1693, an unidentified person bailed Tituba out of the jail and she disappeared from all records. It is presumed that her husband John was sold to this same person and they moved away leaving their daughter Violet in the Parris household. The author of this book attempted to piece together the life events of Tituba and void out the contradictions in order to create a better understanding of her role in the Salem witch-hunt tragedy. She explained in depth her thesis on why she believes Tituba was a Native American instead of an African as former theories would note, and how her connection with different cultures would help shape her testimonies. The main point in this book was to describe in detail Tituba’s role in the Salem witch trials of 1692, and how her testimonies fueled the Puritan’s fears and fantasies of diabolical presents among their village while attempting to protect her from execution. I believe the author effectively captured Tituba’s role in the former events while providing the many sources she used to come to her conclusions. In piecing the entire picture together it was helpful that the author included the timetable of accusations and confessions, the transcripts of Tituba’s confessions, as well as an index to easily reference back to. The book’s strengths are in the explicit details from beginning to end which really paint a clear picture of how such events came about which are beneficial to someone who is researching this event; However, I would also consider this to be a weakness to an average reader as it appeared somewhat hard to follow the main point when getting bogged down with details. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who was interested and/or researching Tituba’s character or the Salem events, as the author came to these conclusions after much research and referencing of historical documents and the assistance of many people and institutions which she acknowledges in the beginning of the book, making her theories more credible. It was an interesting read after hearing bits and pieces of the story over time as well as watching movies that depicted a much more dramatized version of the events. The book made the events much more understandable and realistic. The book wasn’t quite as exciting as I expected but then I was comparing it to the movies, but it was still somewhat interesting and insightful.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparative Study Of Politeness Strategies English Language Essay

Comparative Study Of Politeness Strategies English Language Essay Introduction Over the last three decades, politeness strategies have become one of the most active area of research in spoken and written discourse. This phenomenon began when Goffman published On face work in 1955 and other classical studies such as Lakoff (1973, 1977), Leech (1983) and Brown Levinsons (1987), who conducted extensive studies on politeness. These studies indicate that linguistic politeness is generally associated with social behaviour to avoid conflicts. The past few years the application of politeness studies has been extended beyond the verbal communication to include written material to engage conflict-free communication between writers-audience, started in 1989 when Myers published his article the pragmatics of politeness in scientific articles since then many scholars extended the concept of politeness strategies onto written context such as; current research issues (Kasper: 1990) business letter (Maier: 1992), written business discourse (Pilegaard: 1997), scientific text (Kwok: 1997), written persuasion (Cherry: 1988), thesis writing (Faridah Noor: 2000), and research article (Dahl :2009). Myers (1989) in his study found that the model proposed by Brown Levinson (1987) was applicable in how to interpret scientific culture found in scientific writing. Brown and Levinson (1987) found in their study four (4) categories of politeness strategies. These are proposed as universal as the striking parallels in politeness devices between three unrelated languages (Tzeltal, Tamil and English) were found. While politeness may be expressed differently in one culture to another, the basic hierarchy of politeness strategies is not a culture specific. (Brown Levinsons : 1987) Even though the majority study of the past studies in politeness strategies are closely related with verbal communication context. Many studies recently showed that it could also be extended onto written context, and somehow the politeness strategies in written discourse in line with the demands of the academic community that expects scientific language to be objective and formal. This present study is interested to study the kinds of politeness strategies find in economic journal writing as another field in written discourse. What makes economics special is that economics is consisted of the combination of soft science research issues related to human behaviour and the hard science mathematics economic models. The model represents the interaction between human being and market under specific conditions. Dahl (2009: 2). The other reason is how economist presents their thought in the research paper they write. Moreover, by using Myerss (1989) study that in line to what Brown and Levinson had proposed in their study. This present study tries to focus on the politeness strategies employed in economic journal articles. Concerning none of the past studies deeply focused to study the academic journals especially in economic field and comparing between local and international economic journals. By viewing that chances the researcher hopes that this present study able to contribute to the existing pool of knowledge on politeness strategies used in academic writing, particularly which in the writing of economic journal articles of two identified economic journals. Statement of the Problem Brown and Levinson (1987) construct a system to explain the nature of politeness phenomena in language. The major concept of politeness theory is an arrangement of politeness strategies along a continuum from least polite to most polite. Previous studies had shown that politeness strategies not only applied by many people via verbal communication but also through the medium of written material. Although, Politeness in both social and linguistic studies has shown a phenomenon of interest in the past decades, many past studies choose to draw on conversational data. Many scholars do not realize that politeness model can be extended beyond the verbal communication to include written materials. The extension of politeness models to some genres of scientific written texts such as economic journal could contribute to explain the application of politeness strategies. To identify sort of politeness strategies employed in economic journal somehow could be an interesting also a complex field to study as Holmes (2001) says that Economic field is a prototypical of the social sciences. To engage in this discourse in a meaningful and effective manner requires skilful handling of textual strategies. Moreover, the use of politeness strategies in economic journals by particular people from different culture background, age and economic expertise when making a claim, maintain face or employed other kinds of politeness strategies in their paper is an interesting matter to study. Based on that statement above the main purposes of this study beyond the limits of this paper, to give an exhaustive overview of politeness-related research are to identify sort of politeness strategies that employed and analyze the politeness strategies in economic journal articles of one local and one international economic journals selected for this study. Objectives of the Study In recent years there has been a steady increase in interest and research into economics discourse by both economists and linguists which has spawned an expanding body of work. the present study undertakes the task of looking at the use of the politeness strategies employed in economic journal and compare between one local and one international economic journals by proposing the objectives below; To investigate the use of politeness strategies in economics text To compare the use of politeness strategies in a local and international economic journals Research Questions The present study aims to answer the following questions: What kinds of politeness strategies are employed in economic text? In what ways are the politeness strategies found to be similar or different in local or international economic journals? The present study also proposes that it would be beneficial for the journal writers to know where they stand in the academic discourse community as this awareness can assists them in planning the strategies used to present their findings as new knowledge claims. Significance of the study Since the early 1980s, the discussion of various controversial issues in the economics discourse community has led to increasing debate among concerned economists about the ways that they communicate with each other, as well as with non-economists. In this exploratory study, the researcher chooses to focus on the existence of politeness strategies in economic journals. Hopefully this present study would contribute towards obtaining a set of politeness strategies in economic journals. The collection of strategies would encompass a sampling of strategies used by journal writer(s) within a span of six (6) years latest from the field of economy. Moreover this present study hopes to enhance the understanding of academic researchers, who are interested in the area of politeness strategies, especially in the use of politeness strategies in economic journals and to show the kinds of politeness strategies employed in both local and international economic journals. Furthermore, understanding the kinds of politeness strategies in written texts, especially in economic journals, could be useful when politeness strategies are employed in other genres in order to fit with the demanding of formality and objectivity of the academic writing. This study also hopes to clarify many ways that the economists use language to express themselves in a polite manner and to help the public to understand the politeness style of writing by the economist in written texts. In addition, the specific aim of this present study is also to show that there is an increasing awareness of the nature of economics discourse by both applied linguists and economists. To achieve the purposes above, this research studies two economic journals, one local and one international, published by Malaysian and American economic associations. Scope and Limitation of The Study This present study will limit its data from selected journals released by local and international economic associations to find out politeness strategies employed by the economists in two identified economic journals, namely Malaysia Journal of Economic Studies and Journal of Economic Growth, released by the Malaysian Economic Association and the American Economic Association respectively. The articles from these journals were chosen from the six years latest issues, starting from 2004 to 2009. This study limits its scope only on the contents of the articles. The areas of mathematical languages, formula, as well as footnotes in the articles will be not included as parts of the analysis. This study also does not attempt to look at the differences in the style of writing choice of politeness strategies based on gender, age or ethnic background, and strategies used by journal writers over a period of time. This research also tries not to focus on particular specific areas where some economists and linguists often argue about, but more on general issues of economic content in these journals, that the researcher feels provide examples of the existence of politeness strategies 1.5 Summary The focus of the present study is to investigate the use of politeness strategies in economic journals. It undertakes the task to identify and analyze politeness strategies employed in the articles and compares two economic journals local and international publication namely Malaysia Journal of Economic Studies and Journal of Economic Growth by using the theory of politeness from Brown Levinson (1978) and Myers (1989).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effect of inflation and exchange rate on the PPP theory

Effect of inflation and exchange rate on the PPP theory Background The theoretical underpinning for the study of money demand and PPP is standard. The simplest form of the PPP theory suggests that goods market arbitrage enforces parity in national price levels. Hence, converted to a common currency, national price levels should be equal. Law of One Price The foundation of purchasing power parity is grounded in the law of one price. The theory states that barring frictional or complicating factors such as tariffs, taxes, and transportation costs, the price of internationally traded good in one country should achieve the identical price in another country, once the price is adjusted to a common currency. Thus, the economic theory suggests that two long-run relationships could be found: one between domestic prices, foreign prices, and the nominal exchange rate; and another between domestic prices, money, real income, and the nominal interest rate. While we would expect both the real exchange rate and real money demand to be fairly stable in the long run, we would also expect temporary deviations from these two long-run equilibrium to affect future fluctuations in the variables such that the long-run equilibrium are restored. This transformation, as well as some important economic structural reforms, could have arguably affected both the long-run money demand relationship and the real exchange rate, since it led to both some financial deepening (as low-income households gained access to formal banking services to a larger extent), as well as a strong increase in foreign competition, which in turn could have had a one-off effect on the domestic price level. Conceptually, the PPPs are very similar to consumer price indexes. The PPPs are measures of price level differences across space or, in their most popular form, across countries. Because the prices of goods and services in different countries are expressed in national currencies, the purchasing power parity between currencies of two countries, say A and B, is the number of units of currency of country B (or A) that has the same purchasing power as one unit of currency of country A (or B). Though the PPPs are similar to price index numbers in spatial comparisons, they assume special significance because the PPPs can be used as a conversion factor, in place of exchange rates, in converting various economic aggregates from different countries into a common currency unit. The converted aggregates are expressed in a common currency unit, and the aggregates are considered to be real value aggregates devoid of price variations among countries. These real aggregates make it feasible to under take cross-country comparisons and to undertake economic and statistical analyses on global and regional levels. The purchasing power of different currencies is equalized for a given basket of goods. In the relative version, the difference in the rate of change in prices at home and abroad the difference in the inflation rates is equal to the percentage depreciation or appreciation of the exchange rate. The best-known and most-used purchasing power parity exchange rate is the Geary-Khamis dollar (the international dollar). PPP exchange rate (the real exchange rate) fluctuations are mostly due to different rates of inflation between the two economies. Aside from this volatility, consistent deviations of the market and PPP exchange rates are observed, for example (market exchange rate) prices of non-traded goods and services are usually lower where incomes are lower. (A U.S. dollar exchanged and spent in Pakistan will buy more haircuts than a dollar spent in the United States). PPP takes into account this lower cost of living and adjusts for it as though all income was spent locally. In other words, PPP is the amount of a certain basket of basic goods which can be bought in the given country with the money it produces. Regardless, it is important to understand that purchasing power parity is a powerful tool that provides us a common lens by which to view the economic health and condition of different countries. Just as with any tool or device, we must be cognizant of the limitations and weakness of PPP and understand how we can control those limitations within a particular data set. 1.2 Problem Statement There can be substantial and prolonged periods of deviation from relative PPP exchange rates. To understand some of the potential causes for these deviations, it is most fruitful to take a closer look at the more important of the many assumptions we had to make before we could invoke the Law of One Price for individual goods on which PPP is based. Purpose of the Research Study The purpose of the study is to know the effect of inflation exchange rate on purchasing power parity. This research report will help for understanding the Purchasing Power Parity and how its effect inflation, exchange rates will it changes country by country. This study relates to the consequence of PPP in explaining the exchange rates between the currencies of developed countries and of Pakistan. This research is based on the idea that how inflation and exchange rate exerts compels over the purchasing power parity. This report will adheres transpire the mitigations for importers and exporters. In broad sense, this will help the consumer and one interested in importing the products and commodities to estimate that how inflation can aggregate its impacts over their transactions. It will compel the corrosion of the frequent importers and exporters. Whereas, this research report will be beneficial for ones studying or interested in inflation and economy. Corporate and many financial institutions performing the international transaction can mitigate and minimize their risk due to inflati onary pressure over Purchasing Power Parity. 1.4 Research Question What are the effects of inflation over PPP (Purchasing Power Parity?) Effects aggregated in broader sense are negative and positive, whether the purchasing power parity shows its increasing trend or decreasing trend. Positive in the sense that the country can now buy more goods from another country with the same size of currency bucket as compare to later one, whereas, the negative effects indicates the devaluation and limitation of purchasing goods from another country, spending more as compared to previous one. CHAPTER 02 LITERATURE REVIEW As prescribed by the title of the study Effects of inflation and exchange rate over purchasing parity. It is clearly determined that the two adjacent bodies, exchange rate and inflation rate can be jointly counted which can affect the purchasing power parity, The report on integration of Inflation (CPI) and PPP concludes that Consumer price index (CPI) and purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factors share conceptual similarities. The CPI measures changes in levels of prices of goods and services over time within a country whereas PPPs measure differences in levels of prices across countries or regions within a country. Therefore the CPI and PPPs refer, respectively, to the time and spatial dimension of price movements. The consumer price index is one of the most widely used economic indicators, compiled and disseminated by national statistical offices on a regular basis. The CPI measures play a prominent role in monitoring the effects of government policies, particularly monetar y policy, and provide the general public with a measure of changes in the prices of goods and services consumed. Purchasing power parities are defined as the number of currency units required to buy goods equivalent to what can be bought with one unit of the currency of the base country; or with one unit of the common currency of a group of countries. Officer (1982) It is been observed that in most cases it was found at least one co-integrating vector matching PPP. In three cases, the results depended on using the countries interest rates to explain the deviations from the long-run relation implied by PPP theory. However, the application of PPP theory should not be confined to the search for long-run relations: it should also lead to the study of short-run dynamics whereas; the factor of inflation is always to be considered to alter the maximization of effects over purchasing power parity. As per other empirical studies for South Africa, indicates that there exists a stable money demand type of relationship among domestic prices, broad money, real income, and interest rates, as well as a long-run relationship among domestic prices, foreign prices, and the nominal exchange rate. In the short run, shocks to the nominal exchange rate affect domestic prices but have virtually no impact on real output, while shocks to broad money have a temporary impact on real output before becoming inflationary. Both types of shocks seem to trigger a monetary policy response, as the short-term interest rate adjusts quickly. South Africa adopted a formal inflation-targeting framework for monetary policy early in 2000, following less than satisfactory experiences with other monetary policy regimes (such as an exchange rate peg and money growth targeting, during the previous decades. The inflation target was set at 3 to 6 percent by 2002, and transparency and accountability of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) were enhanced. According to a study the research has determined the facts and the level of relationship between how the inflation can under its stemmed branches i-e WPI, CPI and SPI indices can affect the purchasing power parity and exchange rate. There are few economic theories that have received as much scrutiny as purchasing power parity (PPP) and the determination of long-run real exchange rates. There is a vast empirical literature on these two related subjects presented in the research report. The message which emerges from the existing literature by this report is that it has only a very partial picture of why deviations from PPP are so constant over time. The inability to fully explain the dynamics of real exchange rates stems from the imperfect knowledge of the dynamics of price adjustment and of the fundamental variables driving long-run relative prices in the world economy has been kept as the based foundation in this study. When its added to that an imperfect knowledge of the channels t hrough which non-monetary shocks drive nominal exchange rates in the short run (Anton, 2006). The aim here is not to offer yet another comprehensive review, but to justify the relationship and the emerging affects of inflation on Purchasing Power Parity with the real exchange rates. Exchange rates may change over time in response to a number of different forces. Prominent among these forces are: (i) Domestic compared to foreign inflation rates, (ii) Commercial polices of the Government, including tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, and (iii) International movements of capital and incomes. Anticipating movements in each of the above exchange rates will require analysis of changes in these three critical sets of variables, which often will be causally related to each other. But here in this study the determination is about the changes that can be unveiled through the affects measured in this study. Moreover, it also provides a test of purchasing power parity (PPP) as an explanation for long term foreign exchange rate movements. It essentially extends the analysis of the So uth East Asian nations, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand. It imposes symmetry and proportionality restrictions flowing from the absolute form of purchasing power parity (PPP). The tests are also run for sub-periods with similar results. Symmetry and proportionality restrictions find little support in the unit root tests though the Johansen tests suggest that the foreign exchange rate and inflation rates are linked in a long run sense. Anton, (2006), The description illustrates that there is strong evidence that PPP holds as a long run constraint in countries at a lower stage of economic development and characterized by under developed capital markets. For those countries that has substantial foreign exchange speculation and capital movements, the changes of exchange rate deviate largely from PPP. The research also shows the there is lack of evidence to support the conventional wisdom which predict that a large share of non tradable sector, severe trade restrictions and intensified government intervention in foreign exchange market would lead to a divergence between the exchange rate and PPP. Nevertheless, most of the results are based on the data of the major industrial countries. While developing economics share many common characteristics in terms of exchange rate determination, there are some major differences between the two types of economics. Tang, M, (2005), this is simply the combination or effects gathered due to disturbance in inflation. As per the research, it has to be monitored that how the purchasing power parity is affected due to inflation and apparently the exchange rate. Whenever the inflation has aroused and sounded hyper, the exchange rate had showed a boosted move in the economy portraying the Purchasing Power Parity to decline. On the other hand, when it is said that inflation had decreased, it tends to appreciate the home currency resulting in incline in purchasing power parity because now the one in home country can achieve or being facilitated more if comparing goods from other country. In other words, a country whos PPP had shown an incline can buy more goods from other country as from the factor of inflation and Purchasing Power Parity. Mark J. Holmes., (2001), finds that there is no relation between Purchasing Power Parity confined to high inflation developing countries their techniques use new econometric techniques. Duo Qin Tao Tan., (2008), investigates their study categorized into two types: short-run and long-run common currency shocks. These shocks are used as explanatory variables to model the inflation and intraregional trade growths of the country concerned. The resulting models provide us with a base to simulate and evaluate the counterfactual situation of how much inflation and trade growths would be affected by the removal of these shocks. Methodologically using the approach can be considered as a special case of the latent variable structural models used commonly in behavioral research. First of all, the regional long-run exchange rate variability covariates with the world exchange rate variability a great deal whereas the short-run exchange rate variability is mainly regional specific. Consequently, a currency union would result in reducing the intraregional short-run currency volatility risks without much loss of the regional capacity of assimilating disequilibrium risks from the w orld currency movement. Results: Their dynamic modeling results show that the regional short-run shocks exert significant impact on the inflation and the intraregional trade growths of all the countries studied, overshadowing the impact found of the regional long-run shocks. They also find that the dynamic transmission paths of the regional shocks differ significantly from country to country. These finding makes it an oversimplified statement that smaller countries would benefit more than larger countries from a currency union. The benefit of a currency union is found, however, to be less substantial as far as the model-simulated magnitudes in inflation reduction and trade promotion are concerned. At the regional level, the magnitudes in trade promotion are much larger than the amount of inflation being reduced; at the country level, results vary and, in many cases, the benefits may not to be considered as substantial enough to warrant a vote for the union. Muhammad Zakaria, Eatzaz Ahmad and M.Mazhar Iqbal., (2007), investigates the determination of bilateral nominal exchange rates of Pak-rupee against its twelve major trading partners using standard econometric techniques based on quarterly date for the period 1983-2004. The results shows that nominal exchange rates depend on a number of endogenous and policy variables related to Pakistan and its trading partners. Specifically, fluctuations in nominal exchange rates can be explained by relative inflation rate at home and abroad, both governments monetary policies, terms of trade, trade policies and capital mobility. Their results also show that some controlled form of monetary policy may be useful for maintaining stability in exchange rates. Adnan Haider, Safdar Ullah Khan., (2007), investigates fiscal vis-a -vis monetary determinants of inflation which provide a brief review of some selected domestic and international studies. This review provides us the literature for Pakistan into two sets including studies which used government borrowing as a determinant of inflation and those which have not incorporated this determinant in their model setup. In the case of Turkey, Akcay, Alper and Ozmucur (1996) they investigate determinants of inflation using annual data from 1948 to 1994 vis-a -vis quarterly data from 1987 to 95. Their analysis reveals that a one unit increase in the deficit GNP ratio under money neutrality will increase the long-run inflation by 1.59 units. Also a one unit increase in the deficit GNP ratio under money neutrality will increase the long-run inflation by 5.67 which is much higher than 1.59 for the whole sample indicating greater impact of deficit on inflation during pre-bond financing period. Methodology: Co-integration methodology using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag model this paper try to find long run relationship between inflation and volatility in government borrowing from central bank in Pakistan. Results: The fiscal imbalances and weak forecaster for future inflation in economies under study. More specifically, they found that the predicted rise in fiscal deficit scenario in future could possibly impact in an insignificant manner towards increasing inflation in the economy. CHAPTER 03 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Methodology The data that will be used for testing of high inflation and exchange rate on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is of 5 years. Since, to determine the effects on purchasing power parity, various commodities are necessary to be taken into account. In this report, to determine the purchasing power parity Crude Oil will be taken as a commodity. 3.2 Sampling Technique Under the non-Probability sampling, the researcher will use the convenience sampling because to measure the affects any 5 years of data is required, which can be accomplished by convenience sampling technique, predicting as the most appropriate technique for this project. 3.3 Sample Size In this research report one variable is Inflation and researcher took 5 years of Secondary data. And second variable is Exchange Rate and researcher took 5 years of secondary data. 3.4 Data Collection Since this report is based on effects on purchasing power parity due to inflation and exchange rate and according to sample size, 5 years of data will be taken into account. There is a large amount of data that has already been collected by others, although it may not necessarily have been analyzed. Locating these sources and retrieving the information is a good starting point in any data collection effort. Hence secondary data will be used in this report. 3.5 HYPOTHESIS H0: Positive effects due to increase in inflation and exchange rate on Purchasing Power Parity. H1: Negative effects due to increase in inflation and exchange rate on Purchasing Power Parity.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Spread of Soviet-Backed Communism Across Eastern Europe after 1945

The Spread of Soviet-Backed Communism Across Eastern Europe after 1945 In seeking to provide an answer to the question, â€Å"Was the spread of Soviet-backed communism inevitable across Eastern Europe after 1945?,† I would like to point to the words of a contemporary specialist. At the end of World War II, R. R. Betts, the Masaryk Professor of Central European History at London University, asserted that much of the â€Å"revolution in central and eastern Europe† is â€Å"native and due to the efforts of the peoples and their own leaders . . . [making it] â€Å"clear that even if the Soviet Union had not been so near and so powerful, revolutionary changes would have come at the end of so destructive and subversive a war as that which ended in 1945† (Betts 212, in Mazower, 255). Though Betts points simply to the war and native efforts as the essential impetus for radical solutions where many points can be made implicating pre-war issues and outside intervention (or lack thereof) in the same causal fashion, the thrust of his argument is what I would like to echo in my paper. The radical situation following World War II in Eastern Europe was untenable and called almost uniformly for a radical solution. However, that the solution was necessarily Soviet-backed communism is not fully supported by the facts. A radical solution? Yes. Authoritarianism? Quite likely. Soviet-backed communism? Very probable, but by no means inevitable. While there is much evidence and scholarship to support the deterministic viewpoint implied by the principal query, it seems a naà ¯ve view of history to suggest that what happened absolutely could not have happened any other way. To respond in kind to the simplistic discourse of ‘in... ...ore or less might not have found a marginally different path at some point along the way. An argument of inevitability is not sufficient to understand the subtleties of history. Works Cited: Betts, R. R. ed. Central and South East Europe, 1945-1948. London, 1949. Lewis, Paul. Central Europe Since 1945. London: Longman, 1994. Mazower, Mark. Dark Continent: Europe’s 20th Century. London: Penguin, 1999. Roberts, Geoffrey. â€Å"Moscow and the Marshall Plan: Politics, Ideology and the Onset of the Cold War, 1947† Europe-Asia Studies 46:8, Soviet and East European History (1994), 1371-1386. Rothschild, Joseph and Nancy M. Wingfield. Return to Diversity: A Political History of East Central Europe since World War II. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Swain, Geoffrey and Nigel Swain. Eastern Europe Since 1945. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan, 1998.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Creation, Flood and the Hero in Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis o

Creation, Flood and the Hero in Gilgamesh and the Bible    The Epic of Gilgamesh compares to the Bible in many different ways. The epic has a different perspective than the Bible does. This paper is a contrast and comparison between the two books. The three main points of this paper will be the Creation, Flood and the Hero.    The way these two books start out is creation. This is the first similarity that we can state. God created man out of the earth, â€Å"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth†. In the epic, Auru, the goddess o... ...s that are hard to decipher, but most was understandable. The Epic of Gilgamesh was hard to get started on, but was easily finished. Bibliography Bibliography The Holy Bible. KJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1984. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Penguin Books, London. 1972.

Coursework On Hard Times :: English Literature

Coursework On Hard Times Title: How does Dickens present the education system in Hard Times? How does this reflect life in Coketown? Hard Times reveals Dickens' increased interest in class issues and social observations. Dickens was extremely concerned with the miserable lives of the poor and working classes in the England of his day, and Hard Times is one of several of his novels that address these social problems directly. On hearing the name, Hard times, an imagination of people going through a difficult and hard way of life is revealed. This novel also reminds us of the hard times in the Victorian Times when children did not go to school; when education was varied according to social class- factory like schools for the poor and private tutors for the rich. Those that were able to have the so-called education suffered in the process. They were forced to learn a lot by heart because everything was formal and mechanical. They were put through a factory-like process, hoping to produce children that were possessed of nothing but facts. Not even a sense of fancy and imagination. They were educated to get the basics of life because they were going to be pushed into the outside world at a very young age of 12 and above or even below. At the end of the day, the education was worthless because most of the children died in the workhouse. Dickens used Hard Times to criticise the society for failing so many of its children. Dickens argues against a mode of factory style, grad-grinding production that exterminates the fun out of life. He believes that education should not be a thing of going through volumes of head-breaking questions and being put through an immense variety of paces. Hard Times not only suggests that fancy is as important as fact, but it continually calls into question the difference between fact and fancy. Dickens suggests that what constitutes so-called fact is a matter of perspective or opinion. The lack of education for children and factory like process of education has resulted to 'vast piles of building full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long' in Coketown. Coketown is portrayed in Hard Times as an industrial town with polluted atmosphere and place where people have the same lifestyle. Metaphorically, Coketown means carbon town. In science the word coke is another name for carbon. Dickens has described it as 'a town of machinery and tall chimney, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled.' In the above quote, the word 'smoke' is the carbon produced from the

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Early Intervention in North Carolina

Early Intervention In North Carolina â€Å"Early intervention is a term that often is used to describe specific agencies, programs, services, and resources. In North Carolina, early Intervention has been described as a system of services provided by many different agencies and programs for children birth to five and their families. The system is for students who are having difficulties In the general education classroom but has not been placed Into the special education class. This comprehensive, interagency system is called TogetherWe Grow. Together We Grow has two parts 1) – the Infant-Toddler Program for children birth to three & 2) the Preschool Program for children ages three to five. † The early intervention system of services is provided under federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C of the IDEA provides the federal mandate for services for young children. North Carolina Early Intervention Branch (NCEI) Is a part of the N. C. Di vision of Public Health and is the lead agency for the Infant Toddler Program (ITP).Research has found this to be the critical time to offer positive opportunities for child development. The state of North Carolina offers eighteen Children's Developmental Services Agencies (CDAs) across the state and they work with local services to improve the children success. Together We Grow (ITP) serves families whose children have certain levels of developmental delay or conditions. They offer Service Coordination Physical, occupational and speech-language therapies Family support Special instruction Assistive technologyOther services Basic safeguards are providing to secure confidentiality of the passing of the child information. Together We Grow Preschool Program: â€Å"In February 2010, Superintendent June Atkinson created NCDPIS Office of Early Learning to implement a strategic focus on the Pre-K – Grade 3 learning continuum and its impact on high school graduation. NCDPl's focus o n Pre-K through Grade 3 alignment of standards, curriculum, Instructional practices and assessment maximizes learning gains for children throughout these early grades, providing a trong academic foundation that leads to improved high school graduation rates. There are many services that are offered within the Early Intervention program.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Communication Essay

In this assignment I will be explaining which each of the different forms of communication are and describing them in more detail and giving examples of each one. In health and social care we need communication skills are vital for anyone who wants to work within this environment. One to one communication is basically one person communication with another person but nobody else will be joining in the conversation. Other ways of having a one to one communication could be sending an email to someone and them replying or instant messaging someone. An example of having a one to one communication within health and Social care would be when a patient is talking to his/her doctor or a doctor talking to a patient’s family. Group communication is harder than one to one communication skills because it only works properly if everyone within the group is communication. This is very hard because normally within a group there is people who talk a lot and some who rarely talk or sometimes people who do not talk at all. An example of group communication would be when people go to an AA meeting. If you have no idea what an AA meeting is its Alcohol Anonymous so people who are alcoholics go to there to try and stop drinking. Formal communication is normally used by a professional. It is normally started with a polite greeting like â€Å"how are you today? † or â€Å"Good Morning† because they want to show respect to you. People normally use formal communication when in a meeting or a conference. In this type of communication using slang words or foul language like swearing is avoided and correct pronunciation is used. An example of this would be if a staff member isn’t working as good as they should be then the manager would have to give them a warning so they would have to use the correct use of wording so that they won’t think they are getting fired. Informal Communication is normally used with people who you are close with or know very well like family, friends and boyfriends. Informal Communication is the opposite of formal communication. It is usually used when in face to face conversation with a friend or relative- a personally known person. Informal communication is also used in e-mail, texts, and telephone conversations. An example of this would be in some areas it is common to call people love even though you have only just met them. Verbal communication is using words to tell your ideas, thoughts and feelings. Good verbal communication skills are being able to express your ideas clearly through your words. An example of this is by showing video’s you are helping the client to listen, by making hear a tape they are also listening, helping them to read books allows them to reading words and so on and understand them. Non-verbal communication is sending out message without speaking. You can send messages using your eyes, the tone of your voice, facial expression, hands and arms, gestures, the angle of your head and body posture. Within a few seconds of meeting a service user most people will usually be able to what they are feeling. You will be able to tell if they are tired, happy, angry or sad even before they haven’t said anything. You can tell what people are feeling by the use of body language. Now I will be explaining the non verbal messages which we send by using our bodies. The ones I will be talking about are posture, gestures,facial expression, touch or contact, use of signs, symbols and pictures, objects of references, writing, technology aids. Voice tone is basically the way you say something. If you say something in a loud voice people may seem you as angry and if you say something in a calm voice it will show that you are friendly. An example of this would be if you say â€Å"Hello, are you having a good morning† then this will show that you are friendly. Posture is the way you sit or stand. Sitting with crossed arms normally means you’re not taking any notice. Leaning back can send the message that you are relaxed or bored which leaning forward means you are interested. Posture is the way you sit or stand. Sitting with crossed arms can mean you’re not taking any notice. When you are leaning back can send the message that you are bored or not interested and when you are leaning forward it shows that you are interested in the conversation. An example in a health and social care setting would be when you are talking to a child at a school then you would be leaning forward to make sure the child knows you are interested in the conversation. Gestures are hand and arm movements that can help us to understand what a person is saying. Some gestures carry a meaning of their own. When you do something that is a success most people will put their thumbs up and if you do something perfection most people will put one hand on their waist and do a circle with their hands. You can tell what a person is feeling or thinking by the way they have their eyes. Your eyes get wider when you are excited or attracted to someone. A fixed stare may send the message that someone is angry at the person who she/he is staring at. When someone is looking away when they are talking to you it means they are not interested. Standing or sitting eye to eye can send a message of formality or hostility. A slight angle can create a more relaxed and friendly feeling. Touching another person during a conversation can send message of care, affection, power over them or sexual interest. Gestures made with hands or arms, written symbols or diagrams such as traffic signs all communicate message to people. Braille is a form of written language for the blind, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips. An example of braille being used in the health and social sector would be a blind person maybe reading a letter in braille sent from hospital concerning their health; they’d have to feel the dots to understand what has been written. Paintings, photographs, sculptures, architecture, ornaments and other household objects can communicate messages and emotions to people. People often take photographs or buy souvenirs to remind them of happy experiences they have had. Language does not have to be based on sounds that are hears. Signing systems such as Sign Language provide a full language system for people who do not use spoken language. An example of sign language would be if someone needs help with their hearing difficulties. Written Communication is where someone talks by writing a letter or an email. An example of written communication would be if someone is trying to get a care assistant job will be sending their cv of by an email. Technological aids – Humans can communicate across distance and time by using written messages, email and text messages. Information can be recorded electronically, helping us to communication more efficiently than writing on paper. Electronic aids can turn speech into writing such as mini com for people with a hearing disability or voice typing for people with dyslexia. AN interpreter is someone who can translate speech. A signer is someone who can use sign language to speak. A translator is a person who translates one language to another. Lip reading is an aid to communication for Deaf and hard of hearing people. Lip-reading classes help regain confidence and lessen the feelings of isolation that so often come with hearing loss. Most people misunderstand deafness. It’s invisible and doesn’t change the way you appear to other people, but it can change the way you feel. You may: * Feel excluded from everyday activities and conversations * Find it difficult to cope in some situations * Feel frustrated when trying to communicate with people around you Makaton is a language programme designed to provide a means of communication to individuals who cannot communicate efficiently by speaking.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jail and Prison Comparison Paper Essay

Jail is usually the first place a person is taken after being arrested by police officers. The authority of states to build, operate, and fill jails can be found in the Tenth Amendment, which has been construed to grant to states the power to pass their own laws to preserve the safety, health, and welfare of their communities. Jail is to protect the public and citizens of county by providing a wide range of constructive, professional correctional services for pre-trial and convicted detainees. Jail is also ensure the safety and welfare of staff, visitors, and offenders by operating facilities and programs in a secure, humane environment which meets professional and standards and constitutional requirements. It reduces the rate to reincarceration by providing offenders with the opportunity for self improvement and the inner resources necessary to make a successful adjustment within the community. An act of 1790 brought about sweeping reforms in the prison and authorized a penitentiary house with 16 cells to be built in the yard of the jail to carry out solitary confinement with labor for â€Å"hardened atrocious offenders. Jails are run by the county of a state and serve as locally-operated holding places, usually for brief periods of incarceration or as a detention place before and during trial and other legal matters. For example, someone convicted of a misdemeanor crime would be jail. In addition, the sentence must be less than a year. Jails are especially for someone b eing held in custody for trail, or they couldn’t afford bail, or they were just arrested will be held in the county jail, not prison. As such, jails are impermanent county residences, and lack many of the amenities and programs that the large prisons have. Jails are usually run by the sheriff or the local government. According to the Department of Justice, there are approximately 3,600 jails in the United States. On the hand, prisons are federal or state-run. Prisons are generally much bigger and much more high-security levels. Inmates convicted of federal felonies usually go to federal prison, and those convicted of state felonies go to state prison. Prisons often have very elaborate education and vocational training programs, halfway house service, work-release programs, and recreational and entertainment facilities. The original history of the federal prison system started back in the 1890s but it was not until 1930 that president Hoover signed a bill establishing a federal prison system that would actually start the building of actual federal facilities. The federal system had been relying on the state and local levels of government to house their prisoners. The Federal Bureau of Prisons was established within the Department of Justice and charged with the â€Å"management and regulation of all Federal penal and correctional institutions. † This responsibility covered the administration of the 11 Federal prisons in operation at the time. As time has passed and laws have changed, the Bureau’s responsibilities have grown, as has the prison population. At the end of 1930, the agency operated 14 facilities for just over 13,000 inmates. By 1940, the Bureau had grown to 24 facilities with 24,360 inmates. Except for a few fluctuations, the number of inmates did not change significantly between 1940 and 1980, when the population was 24,252, according to Federal Bureau of Prison. However, the number of facilities almost doubled from 24 to 44 as the Bureau gradually moved from operating large facilities confining inmates of many security levels to operating smaller facilities that each confined inmates with similar security needs. The federal prison incarcerated for longer time and associated with White Collar criminals. Some of the crimes that fall under federal crimes are drug dealer, political person, false insurance, bank robbery, and many more. On the other hand, the state prison system has been in existence since the early 1800s with the building of Sing Sing state prison. Sing Sing state prison is one of the oldest state penitentiaries in existence today and is still in use. The state prisons also refer to blue collar criminals. The state prison system is devised of a network of small prisons that hold most of the United States prison populations. Since the beginning of penitentiaries in each state growth has been a rising issue. Many states have to provide millions of dollars to their prison systems. Those who commit state or break the state roles, they will automatically be sent to state prison and wait for federal if there is any. Some crimes that can be incarcerated within a state prison such as habitual offender, sex offender, drug user , and other violent crime offender. In the State Prison, there are five security level have been established for correctional facilities and inmates are low security, medium security, high security, and maximum security. Inmates have been conditionally released into the community but remain under the supervision of the Department of Corrections. Low security includes Work Farms, Boot Camps, Forestry Camps, etc. Basically these are either first time low-risk offenders or inmates who have worked themselves up in the system and are possibly on their way out of prison. Being considered low risk, affords the inmate to better living conditions and a few more freedoms. They have earned the trust of the institution. This is why we believe it’s imperative to tell your family member to steer clear of any trouble during their incarceration. Minimum security categorize for inmates coming up in their time or those inmates that have committed a less severe crime. This level of inmate can be trusted and is usually designated as a form of trustee or in a trusted work detail. Medium security, 3 inmates are typical of any placement for someone headed to prison. You must earn the trust from the staff at all levels to work your way up. This level of inmate has some rights and freedoms, but not many. Finally, maximum security is typically in lockdown most of their time and are usually the more violent or feared members of the population. To be housed at this level the inmate must have performed an extremely violent crime. There are basically no freedoms unless the Max inmate is housed with other max inmates, and they are only allowed out for one hour per day. This is not always the case with every prison, jail or detention facility. Some offer multiple programs and allow limited movement, classes, details and freedom for all inmates. According to the Department of Justice, there are minimum security, low security, medium security, and high security in the Federal Prison system. Minimum security institution is also known as Federal Prison Camps have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing. These institutions are work- and program-oriented; and many are located adjacent to larger institutions or on military bases, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the larger institution or base. Low ecurity Federal Correctional Institutions have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or cubicle housing, and strong work and program components. The staff-to-inmate ratio in these institutions is higher than in minimum security facilities. Medium security have strengthened perimeters (often double fences with electronic detection systems), mostly cell-type housing, a wide variety of work and treatment programs, an even higher staff-to-inmate ratio than low security FC Is, and even greater internal controls. Finally, High security institutions know as United States Penitentiaries have highly secured perimeters (featuring walls or reinforced fences), multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. Some of the factors influencing the growth in jail are drug offenders sex offenders, violent offenders, increase in time served women offenders. The corrections system does four fundamental things. The first three, basic life care for offenders, risk identification and risk management, cover the bases of managing offenders. However, only risk reduction â€Å"hits a home run† to significantly affect offender outcomes and community safety. According to the National Institute of Corrections, appropriate treatment reduces recidivism by 30%. In recent years community-based corrections has been trained in and begun implementing evidence-based practices. In recent years community-based corrections has been trained in and begun implementing evidence-based practices.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Journey to America

My journey to America is one unforgettable experience. I say this not because I was able to travel to the land of my dreams but mainly because the journey had improved my outlook in life through the many lessons and insights it had taught. My country of origin is Kenya, located in Eastern Africa. Separating these two countries is the Pacific Ocean,  Ã‚   a large body of water that seemed to signify the impossibility of my coming here (Crofton, 1994, p. 434). But fortunately, this huge obstacle was overcome, and now I am enjoying the fun and opportunities offered by a country that had only once been a dream. You just cannot imagine the excitement I had felt when I learned that I will travel to America. For the majority of Africans, America is a land of golden opportunity, a place that one can better himself. It offers a rare experience in advancement in technology, an essential factor to a person’s twentieth century learning. And above all, America had many fun, exciting and historical places to visit. Armed with such lofty thoughts in mind, going through the hassle of filing for travel papers at the US Embassy meant nothing to me. I  Ã‚   bade goodbye to Kenya last __________. My itinerary was from Nairobi, Kenya to ______, USA. It would take approximately ______ hours to reach the US.   On the plane I tried to contain my excitement although flying above the wide Pacific Ocean was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Looking down below from the window of the plane, I can see a wide expanse of blue water, stretching miles and miles beyond as if it would never end. Although the sight was beautiful to behold, I cannot wait to see land for by then I suddenly felt an awesome fear of being in a place totally unknown, as if I was lost in the middle of nowhere. I realized then that uprooting oneself from familiar places is not that easy, after all. As the plane made its way across the earth,   my mind was filled with thoughts of what I will going to do in America, the friends that I will meet, the places I will visit and the things that I will have. The thoughts all came to me at once, both thrilling and enchanting me at the same time. Amidst   these thoughts, my mind   raced back to the place I just left behind, the loved ones that I will not see   for sometime and   the places that surprisingly I will miss, and then out of nowhere I felt nostalgic and if I was not strong   enough tears would have fallen from my eyes. It was painful to realize that for me to experience something new, I had to let go of something that I hold dear. But I am glad to think that someday I will be back. Finally, after some time I approached the place that for more than a century had drawn all kinds of races and nationalities to its shores like a magnet. I expected the view from above to be so much different from the aerial view of the country and continent I just left behind. True enough it was way, way different. Whereas the place I had just left was dominated by forest and desert that was spotted with human dwellings and buildings, the view of America from the air was just breathtaking to me. A vast array of buildings endlessly crowded themselves below, tall skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty seemed to reach out to me in welcome. I could not believe that the famous  Ã‚   America was right in front of me!   Ã‚  I felt an awesome sense of self-fulfillment then, perhaps because America had this magical way of making a person think that finally he had seen the real world. Naturally I could not wait to set my feet in the America soil.   For the first time in my life I was surrounded with people who look different from me. In the airport were white people, brown skinned people and dark ones like me. I was fascinated with the presence of different nationalities that were busy talking to one another in a language I do not understand and hurrying past me to places God knows where. I realized later that I will often come across these different types of people in just any street in America. I wonder much about them, the places that they came from and the loved ones that they left behind in a country far away. I know that most of them come to America to earn more money, and I wonder if they fulfilled that goal. Settling here for _________ (months or years) now, I can say with authority that foreigners here oftentimes experienced physical, emotional and mental suffering. Many of them are homesick.   There is no place, after all, that man will be untouched by the negative experiences of life. Such realization had developed in   me a deeper respect for people who   left their homeland to find jobs in other shores. For the many successful people who pass my way daily, I can say that indeed America is a land of golden opportunity, but only for the people who work hard. In life no matter where we are we just cannot expect a golden egg to fall on our lap. Here there are also many poor people. I do not know why they lived that way but one thing America taught me is that if you want something good to happen in your life then you must be willing to sacrifice, to let many sweats fall from your forehead.   Ã‚  A person should not wait for opportunity, he must look for it and when he found that opportunity he must grab it with both hands. The list of beautiful places to visit and exciting things to do in America is endless. There are many big parks decorated with beautiful flowers and housed different kinds of animals (many of these animals are native to my homeland like tigers and elephants).   When I look a these caged animals I cannot help but compare them to their relatives back home who roamed   freely in the African wild. America is not a place of freedom for them but on the contrary, America is a trap, a prison. I felt sad but these are the prices that need to be paid if people of America are to see a live African wildlife. Furthermore, America had many large shopping centers filled with all sorts of stuff. They are very inviting to touch, look and if I have the money, to buy. There are just many things to choose from, all of them beautiful. It is true that America has lots of things to offer especially for a Kenyan like me. Being surrounded by all these beautiful things make me look at life more positively. I do have negative experiences in America but I would cite only one that I know is experienced by most foreign people like me and it is the ugly face of racial discrimination. I know that racial discrimination is present when the people of other races I associate with treat me with distrust without reason. I know some of them did not actually wanted the feeling to come but it involuntarily sprung up somewhere. Racial discrimination is a big problem here.   This just shows that great America, like any other country in the world, had its own issues to solve. Obviously, there are many differences between America and my home country but there is one difference that I would like to share here. It seemed to me that the people who live in America are always in a hurry. It seemed that they have so many things to do but do not have the time to do it. That is why most Americans (including those who are not but lived here) are always in a perpetual state of stress. They are busy chasing â€Å"something† so that they do not have the time â€Å"to smell the flowers†. This is so much unlike Kenya. There it seemed we have plenty of time to rest, to reflect. Perhaps because our lives are less complicated, our dreams are simpler. For most Kenyan families providing daily food on the table is a big accomplishment. My journey to America is an adventure of a lifetime. I will never forget the many new   experiences that came along     and the lessons it had taught me. Indeed I can say that my journey to America had opened doors in my life that were once closed. Reference Crofton, Ian (editor). (1994). The Guinness Compact Encyclopedia. London: Guinness Publishing Limited.